Are You Being Nudged?

Six years ago, Life was Perfect—until it wasn’t. Or was it still Perfect while changing direction?
Six years ago I didn’t have a care in the world. I still considered myself a newlywed after four years of marriage to the man of my dreams. My job fulfilled me professionally. My kids were happy and healthy. My local church embraced me with an unyielding love.
But I had no idea what was coming. Without realizing it, God had nudged me into preparation for what was to follow.
He nudged me to read powerful, life-speaking books. He nudged me to seek love-affirming conversations and prayers. He nudged me to wrap my heart in worship music and instructional podcasts.
I thought I was seeking a higher plane of living. I had no idea I was in training—a boot camp training ground—for what was coming my way.
Any one of us can be living the life of our dreams, only to have it challenged. Will you be ready? 1 Peter 3:15 offers words I’ve read dozens of times—a sweet verse—yet when I read it again six years ago it was like I read it for the first time: But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have… 
I knew God loved me before my life was challenged. I was certain. But I had no idea that I would have to take that knowledge to the bank … that I would need to carry that certainty with me through some of the most challenging days of my life.
Has God nudged you? Nudges don’t come with warnings. And nudges don’t necessarily mean you will have a catastrophe ahead of you, but it does mean he is preparing you for more. He will give you exactly what you need when you need it.
Ever been nudged? I’d love to hear about it.


    The Conversation

  1. Charley Huff says:

    I often feel like I’m walking around the same mountain in my wilderness experience. You know how the Lord wants to prove his love and all sufficiency in areas where faith needs to grow the most? His nudge expands the orbit but doesn’t quite take us out of that gravitational pull of self.

  2. delduduit says:

    Very nice words. My nudge came a couple of years ago when my wife came down with a rare disease. I got so close to God and since then she has been healed! Now I use my talents to write and praise Him! I blog now and just signed with a Christian literary agent. Del

    • I am not volunteering for tragedy again, but the time I spent has forever changed me. It sounds like you have been changed, too! And congrats on signing with your agent. Keep us posted.

  3. Yes, God has nudged me to accept and unexpected gift of going on the Charles Stanley Alaskan cruise. After meeting others needs, God has brought about this gift for spiritual renewal and soul refreshment. Only He knows what He is preparing me for next.
    Rejoicing in Jesus.

    • Hi, Carolyn –
      I can’t think of anyone more worthy of the trip. I’m happy you took notice of God’s effort to set you apart from filling the needs of others. Happy sailing!

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