
  • Life after a Brain Tumor

    It isn’t new anymore. Loss of balance is now the norm. I’ve learned to take a cloth with me so when my hand trails the walls, I won’t leave smudges. When I hand wash dishes, I make su

  • Watching as Time Goes By

    School has started again in most areas. I remember the many first days—for my eldest through to my youngest. All those days between first days are gone now. I remember so many fondly. But it̵

  • Facing the Truth from Obituaries

    I follow obituaries. That’s what older people do. Ah, I remember her, what a shame, or He lived a good life, bless him. But today I read the obit of a fellow who had a crush on me in high school.

  • Slowing Down with Purpose

    Rush here. Push to get through there. Check your watch—you still may have time to fit one more stop in before you’re late. This summer has been packed with activity, going from one state to ano

  • What Do You See in the Eyes of Your Children?

    It’s amazing how grownups think they know everything. How we know what’s right for everyone. Dad’s work long hours to provide trinkets and baubles for the family. Moms stay busy “finding th