What Do You See in the Eyes of Your Children?

eyesIt’s amazing how grownups think they know everything. How we know what’s right for everyone. Dad’s work long hours to provide trinkets and baubles for the family. Moms stay busy “finding themselves”.
If you have a moment to spend on Twitter, search #Hatedivorce and see what comes up. My heart broke when I read all the posts from kids who wanted nothing more than a healthy home life.
It’s something to think about. You may think what you’re doing is the right thing for your family, but just listen to what the children want. Their needs are simple.
Work to make a living, but don’t work to destroy your life.

1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Nancy says:

    Life is difficult without the strength of our Lord. I pray over all the hurting and broken relationships — that they would find hope, healing and strength in God before taking that final step to end a marriage. But I know of too many marriages where one fought the good fight toward restoration only to see the spouse walk out. Except in rare instances of abuse, divorce is rarely a good choice for children. We can learn so much through the eyes of a child, so often just innocent victims.

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