
  • A Reminder of a Father's Love

    To celebrate Father’s Day, I’m re-posting a blog I shared that exemplified my relationship with my father. I’d love to hear stories from you about the relationship you have (or ha

  • How do I say …?

    I sometimes wish I could change my world. Going through brain surgery to remove a ginormous tumor—and living a blessed life afterward—gives me a glimpse of the realization that not everyone is

  • Happy Endings Delayed

    I spend a lot of time writing and speaking on the peace that comes with a relationship with Christ–while even having a brain tumor. However, I think we sometimes forget (I know I do) that the

  • I wonder …

    Ever wonder how two people are afflicted with the same type of brain tumor one goes on to live a fulfilling life while the other one can’t? Ever wonder why when two people are afflicted with the

  • Christians are Messed Up People AND They are Perfect People

    Caroline understands what it is to be a Christian and explains it very well in her latest post. I hope you enjoy it.