The Giants that Grow Quietly within Us – Interview with a Giant-Killer #5

I am thrilled to share an interview taken by my friend Lori Roeleveld, promoting  for her newly-released book, Jesus and the Beanstalk (Overcoming Your Giants and Living a Fruitful Life).
I blushed when I read the beginning of the interview:

“So privileged to bring you my friend, Robin Luftig’s interview. She is truly a giant-slayer of the first order and I’m honored to have her friendship in my life. The title of her website says it all: Not only Surviving, but Thriving. Her testimony is proof that we can not only defeat the giants in our lives, we can thrive in the midst of the battle. God can use us when we’re prepared for the fight and also when we’ve been knocked down.”
What are some of the giants you need to kill?

chosen-main-image2Contact Lori , join her at her blog or visit her  About Me page to explore her other writing. Invite her to speak to your women’s group! Subscribe to stay in touch weekly.


1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Donna L Brown says:

    Where is your friend from?    She is right about you, you are a giant slayer.

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