Self-talk: Good or Bad?

“I might as well give up.”
“Nobody would miss me.”
“Other people would be better off if I’m gone.”
It’s been said that every day we each have 80,000 thoughts—60,000 of them are negative. These are just a sample of thoughts we may deal with each day.
Unbelievably sad, right?
We can’t stop the negativity bouncing between our ears … it’s just not possible. But what we can do is match it word-for-word with other statements—powerful ones. And what makes these statements so powerful, is that they’re true!rough day photo
God says, he knows us and still loves us (Psalms 103)
God crowned us with glory and honor (Hebrews 2)
Trust God and not our emotions (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Whenever dark days come—and they will—face your situation, then stop dwelling on them. Instead, think on words that will change your attitude.
If you’ve received a prognosis that you weren’t expecting … if you’re doing your best to recuperate from surgery that has left you needing more care than you anticipated … if doctors have told you your current condition will be your new normal … shut those words out and find a place of strength to recharge your soul.
We can’t do everything. We can’t control anything around us. But we can do this and control our attitude.


    The Conversation

  1. Thanks so much for commenting. Thoughts carry so much power, I try to control mine as much as possible and I still mess up.
    Blessings, RL

  2. There is so much power in replacing negativity with strong statements about God’s word! It really does change my attitude. A friend asked me to pray for her relative this morning. The song about The Name of Jesus breaks chains came on and it became my prayer for that dear soul and all she is bound up in. We were so encouraged.

  3. Glenys Nellist says:

    Wise words Robin. God bless your ministry.

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