Getting a Do-over

Don’t laugh at me, but I love editing. It’s like getting a do-over … and who doesn’t like that?

I’m in the middle of writing the second installment to The Ladies of the Fire series. There’s Lily-Rose Pembrick, a redhead mother of two who only wants what’s best for her children. Fiona Kasey, An African-American domestic worker trying for a better life. And we mustn’t forget Sugar Bowersox, the feisty and unfiltered beauty from Kentucky who is struggling to keep her identity. The 1970s were a turbulent time, yet these ladies found their way. Not only did they make it through, but they also came out stronger than they ever imagined.

In each of their own way, they were given do-overs.


Do-overs. Like the time you put the jar of blueberry jam too close to the edge of the counter and a wayward book sent it sailing. Ugh. A do-over would give you the opportunity to place that jar coward the back of the counter, away from moving objects.

As Christians, our lives are to embrace a facsimile of a do-over. While we can’t erase our dialogue or change a scene-setting, we can review our actions and take any questions we have to our Heavenly Father.

English novelist Rose Tremain coined the phrase, “Life is not a dress rehearsal”. While the saying is true … that we only get one go at Life … we can gain wisdom and grace if we make a point to learn lessons along the way.


What Do-Overs Can Look Like

It’s not difficult to reach for a do-over:

  1. If someone tells you that you wronged them … listen then act. (Matthew 18:15)
  2. Seek forgiveness from your Heavenly Father. (1 John 1:9)
  3. Change how you respond going forward. (Galatians 5:16)


Open your mind and heart to the do-over. You’ll be happy you did.

(And watch for my second installment of The Ladies series …  with the working title, The Ladies Uncover a Secret.)


Looking for Your Own Do-Over?

Do you feel like you don’t matter? How has 2021 started? Are you happy … or are you doing what you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.


    The Conversation

  1. This book series sounds interesting, too, Robin! I have ordered and received God’s Best During Your Worst, and am looking forward to reading it.

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