Wait or Weight

There are times when the English language gets in the way. Passed or past? Two, to, or too? And the ever-famous they’re, there, and their. But I heard a set of words today that, once I pondered, were quite profound. They made me think: wait or weight.

Wait …

Means to pause. To stay in place.
I’m not good at waiting. I’m headstrong and want to do things how and when I want to do them. I’m not all that good at waiting.

Weight …

Is heaviness. A burden to carry. A unit of measurement. Some of these are important, yet others are very uncomfortable.

Then I wondered how weight and wait work together.

I remember when I went headstrong into a situation and didn’t wait on the Lord’s direction. I ended up carrying more emotional weight from senseless mistakes I could have avoided.  The load was just too great.

I should have waited.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

What about you? Can you practice patience and not get caught up in the here-and-now? Can you wait for the right? Your patience may be a gift that keeps the weight of the world off your shoulders. Besides, why take it on? God’s shoulders already carry it.

Wait or Weight. The choice is yours.

What say you?

What do you wonder about?  Are you happy … or are you doing what you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.






    The Conversation

  1. Donna says:

    Well look at that. Well said.

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