Time to Apply

typewriter I’m still floating in the clouds over the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers conference I attended last week. There were so many gifted writers there … and their primary goal was to help writers like me.
I’ve been replaying some of the conversations I had with other conferees as well as faculty members in my mind. They all offered pretty good feedback and advice.
Then my thinking became polluted with pride.
Why did he think I needed that type of critiquing, anyway? Why didn’t she like my writing?
My goal all along was to go to the conference to get help from those in the literary field, yet for a moment I tried to defend myself and my work.
I’m so pathetic … completely pathetic.
After fighting my way through my mental arrogance, I hunkered down with my laptop and started applying some of the suggestions to what I had already written. I knew this process would include deleting and rewriting large sections of text. Many hours would be needed to apply what I had learned.
After my first marathon writing session and I finally closed the top of my laptop. I was blown away. It looks better … my writing is stronger!
Proverbs 15:31-32 says, “If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.”
I heard words of truth, but had to apply them to gain the benefit. I pray I will continue to be open to those around me who offer wisdom. How about you?


    The Conversation

  1. Rae says:

    Looks like the message from last week was a ‘direct word from God to your heart’ (as Pastor would say). Excellent, Robin.

  2. Belinda says:

    I hear those same voices in my head all the time! 🙂 Congrats on getting started on revisions…I’ve been dreading the leap into that! I hope to get started this weekend. May God bless you as you continue to write!

  3. tinamhunt says:

    Great description of the internal process we go through to come to the place of acceptance. Congrats on your marathon session. I need to get started on mine. Blessings.

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