The Gift of Time

Lew & Roba 2010

Lew & Robin, 1 year post Robin’s brain surgery

Yesterday is but today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream.  Kahlil Gibran
Thanksgiving and Christmas … two holidays wrapped up in gratitude and appreciation. But how do you celebrate these two holidays when you’re hurting, scared or dealing with limitations?
You celebrate the gift of time.
If your head hurts, thank God for the sense of feeling.
If you’ve lost your ability to walk, be thankful for all the years you ran.
If you suffer from confusion, know the pillow you lay your head on will hold you safe until you awaken.
If your balance is gone, appreciate the days you had when you didn’t wobble.
Hear the tha-thump? That’s your greatest gift–your heartbeat. You have no control over it. Life is a gift from God every time your heart beats. So why worry about what tomorrow has in store for you? It isn’t here yet! Why fret over what use to be. It’s over! If you can’t enjoy what you remember, leave it behind.
Life was ripe for me April 11, 2011. I had a tumor on my brain that had been there for 10-12 years. I had more strikes against staying alive than dying. But I am grateful it wasn’t my time to pass.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) We don’t determine when we die, but we can use our time left wisely. Don’t waste what you have today on what was or what could be. Embrace now. That’s all there really is.


    The Conversation

  1. Donna Brown says:

    Well said my friend.

  2. schoen55 says:

    Amazing blog! Especially for those who find this time of year sad. Many blessings to you as you savor life and its small and large gifts.

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