The Chick-fil-A Controversy

I’m a bit confused over the whole Chick-fil-A controversy. Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A Inc., has always been open about his established set of beliefs and values. As a Believer in Christ, one of those established values is to keep Sunday for worship. Because of this, he will not open his restaurants on that day. Another value he holds to is embracing traditional family values, “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit,” he said in a recent interview. “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”
In a time when people say one thing yet do another, I would think it would be refreshing to see a man run his company the same way he lives his life: dedicated to what he believes.
I applaud Mr. Cathy for being consistent. And I throw a big Shame-On-You to the organizations and publications that want to take him to task, as well as the contributors who are using this issue to promote controversy.
I don’t hear anyone berating him for being closed on Sunday. I don’t hear anyone picketing his restaurants because chickens are killed to make their famous sandwiches. Here’s a man who is supporting his business doing what he believes is right. And he’s using his venue … his chain of restaurants … to support his values.
I’m not engaging on any side of this issue … because I don’t see an issue. Eat at Mr. Cathy’s restaurant or don’t. The choice is yours. It seems the only people making a big deal out of this are the people who are trying to impress their self-appointed superiority onto others. And this attitude is coming from both sides of the argument; the folks who feel that being in a traditional marriage is the only way to live and those who feel that homosexual relationships are enlightening.
The way I see it is that this is a fallen world and we are dealing with broken people all over the place. Understand, nobody listens to a screaming voice. If either side really wants to make a difference they need to concentrate on areas of commonality, not division. Start communicating from there and see what happens.
I’m all good with Chick-fil-A as I’m good with any gay-owned business. Like I said, I don’t understand the problem … all I see are opportunities to reach out to those who are different from me.


    The Conversation

  1. Vicki says:

    I fully agree that we should listen to each other; we should be respectful of others even when we do not agree with them or their life style. And while I recognize that we are not the Holy Spirit, we can’t afford to ideally sit by and say nothing about the trend in America to completely silence the Christian Community.
    Our Christian beliefs are being assaulted every day with increasing numbers as many news article prove.

  2. Vicki says:

    While I agree that one can eat any where they like, I think the problem is much greater. The problem is that Mayor Bloomberg is all for promoting & protecting other lifestyles and choices, but is quite violent in standing against the Christian principles that made this nation great.
    He has no problem slapping the families of 911 in the face by allowing a mosque to be built at ground zero, but he vehemently opposes the values of Dan Cathy & the Christian community.
    Remember, the only thing necessary for evil to advance is for good people to do nothing (remain silent).

    • I’m really glad you felt comfortable enough to leave a comment on this site, Vicki. I welcome opinions that aren’t the same as mine. 
      Looking over interviews Mayor Bloomberg has given regarding this issue, he is quoted saying, “it’s inappropriate for a city government or a state government or the federal government to look at somebody’s political views and decide whether or not they can live in the city or operate a business in the city or work for somebody in the city.” (Washington Post)
      I’m also not suggesting that “good people should do nothing”. I think this is an incredible opportunity to share the love that Jesus shared with all those who later stood by when he was crucified. He supported their free will, knowing what it would cost him. 
      I suggest we strive to accept each other’s rights to have differences. I think when we begin to listen to each other, our words have a better chance in making a difference. 

  3. Thanks, Sarah, for the comment. I like your last line, “I think Cathy gives us more than just chicken to chew on…” Something to think about. Thanks for following and offering a comment.

  4. Sarah says:

    Thanks for putting your thoughts into words, Robin. I’ve really struggled with this in the sense that in (most) everything you read, God seems absent. And not God in his presence, but God in who He is. Like you said, we live in a fallen world. We have for a long time. Jesus came into a fallen world, and He died for a fallen world. When he was in this fallen world, he didn’t spend his thirty years walking around in judgment shunning sinners (all of us); he built relationships…and a subsequent following…by sharing who God is. Through all the judgment he didn’t pass, his following – and converts – grew. The more I read, the more I feel this is the part that’s left out. Sure, God will judge us (not to be taken lightly despite my use of the word “Sure”). God has established godly behaviors vs. sinful behaviors. God has expectations for his followers. But God has also given us the ability to make our own choices. As a Christ-follower, I think it’s often easier to point out all the sin that’s in the world (seems bigger, worse) than the sin in my own life. But when I asked God into my life, he didn’t start holding me accountable for monitoring the world’s choices; he started holding me accountable for my own. Ironically, despite the media maelstrom, Don Cathy seems to get that:
    “His goal in the workplace is “to take biblical truth and put skin on it. … We’re talking about how our performance in the workplace should be the focus of how we build respect, rapport and relationships with others that opens the gateway to interest people in knowing God […] If you’re obedient to God you are going to be evangelistic in the quality of the work you do, using that as a portal to share [Christ],” he said.”
    I think Cathy gives us more than just chicken to chew on…

  5. Well said! When we let the media tell us what we should be concerned about, we miss a chance to dig deeper and think for ourselves. There are many sides to a story, not just a headline and sometimes there’s no story at all. I don’t see the issue either.

    • Thanks, Karen. I learned years ago that I can only control what I say and do. It was a difficult lesson for me, but my life has become more peaceful. I try to share that lessons with others. Thanks for the comments.

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