Remember the Sparrow

Tree_SparrowMy agent asked me to write a pitch letter for her to use when promoting my memoir, “Ten Days to Live”, recounting when I discovered I had a brain tumor. That seemed easy enough. I started pulling facts together; reasons why people would want to read my book. While researching, I ran across some incredible statistics:

• Nearly 70,000 new cases of primary brain tumors will be diagnosed this year
• More than 4,600 children between the ages of 0-19 will be diagnosed with a brain tumor this year
• Brain and central nervous system tumors are the most common cancers among children ages 0-19
• There are nearly 700,000 people in the U.S. living with a brain tumor
• This year, nearly 14,000 people will lose their battle with a brain tumor
• There are more than 120 types of brain tumors
As I continued to read the statistic, I became fearful. What is happening to this world? Why are so many people being diagnosed with this terrible affliction?
Before I became too distraught, I walked away from the computer. I needed a bit of clarity. While dealing with a brain tumor is surely a crisis, I didn’t want to add a crisis of faith to my findings. I needed to revisit a promise that always brought me back to focus:
“Not even a sparrow, worth less than a penny, can fall to the ground without your [Heavenly] Father knowing it. And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31
Statistics have clout, but the real power lies elsewhere.
P.S. Stay tuned … I’ll keep you up-to-date on “Ten Days to Live.”


    The Conversation

  1. Dan Massey says:

    Thank you for the sparrow verse. These are tough times, but the belief that I am here for a purpose gives this time value; it helps motivate me to keep going. In 2007 i was diagnosed with a grade 2 astrocytoma, resected in 2008. Aa2-3 resected in 2010 and radiation with temodar afterwards. I’m teaching an introductory course on engineering now as an adjunct at PSU the capital campus. I know I’m where I’m supposed to be, and this is what keeps me going. Certainly not where I planned on being; none the less, it is a good place to be in this crazy life of mine.
    Best regards,

    • Thank you, Dan, for such a wonderful comment. When I was diagnosed in 2011 with a Meningioma tumor about the size of a closed fist and told to “get my affairs in order” I never thought I’d appreciate that time as some of the dearest in my life.
      It makes such a difference with we give into purpose. I’ve written a book about my ordeal and my agent is in the process of peddling it to a publisher. Stay tuned!

  2. Effie Bates says:

    Hi Robin, I enjoyed your blog, it’s the first I’ve read. I know you have quite a story. I’ve been asked by so many people to write some of my stories, ( professional and friends alike). God has provided, healed and blessed in so many ways. There is so much….I want to lift up Christ, encourage others, and to glorify Christ. I feel like I’m suppose to speak as well.but im afraid…maybe we can talk sometime. Bless you:)

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