Mason Jar of Goodness

good deeds jarLast December a friend challenged me to keep a Mason Jar of Goodness. The idea is to write down good things that you’ve either done or experienced over the year on a piece of paper and collect the slivers of paper in a mason jar. At the end of the year, you are to open the jar and enjoy your reminders of the goodness you had experienced.
I was to keep the jar in a visible place so I could see the stack of papers grow. And if for some reason the stack didn’t grow, seeing  the jar would spur me on to do something good, write it down and put the note in the jar. Sounded like a good idea, so I started in January.
I thought this would be a great project! Week after week I looked for goodness and blessings to write about. I didn’t want an empty jar at the end of the year. Projects were completed around the house. Lew went on a 1,700+ mile bike ride across the country. I went to writers conference that changed my life.
Over the past twelve months, every time I have walked by and looked at the jar, my heart smiled. I remembered writing about the big things that happened in Lew 2013 trek2013. But I’ve added more paper pieces than just two. I know–even without knowing what they are–that there are long forgotten little kisses of goodness waiting for me.
I can’t wait until Lew and I celebrate New Year’s Eve and open the Mason Jar of Goodness. I need to remember to put a note in the jar that you chose to follow this blog. That’s a blessing beyond good.
Reminders of good happenings are too few. We all need to try to remember them. In fact, I’m all ready to start again for 2014, except I want to find a taller jar!


    The Conversation

  1. […] I love keeping a Mason jar on a table on the edge of our family room; located at the hub of all the house’s traffic. It isn’t at all fancy. I’ve been asked more times than I can count why it’s there. But it’s purpose is powerful. I wrote about the Mason jar before and thought I’d share again … […]

  2. Fantastic idea! And would make great gifts too. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Vicki says:

    What an awesome idea!

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