Mason Jar of Goodness

Every year this is my favorite post. Give it a try in 2023!

Over ten years ago I was challenged to keep a Mason Jar of Goodness. The idea was to write down good things that we’ve either done or experienced over the year on slivers of paper and keep them in a mason jar. At the end of the year, we were to open the jar and enjoy the reminders of the goodness we had experienced.

Watch the Stack Grow

Every year now, Lew and I keep the jar and a pen & paper visible, so we can watch the stack of papers grow. And if for some reason the stack isn’t growing, seeing the jar spurs us on to do something good so we can write about it and slip the note in the jar.

We start this each January, excited about what will fill the jar and a bit nervous that our upcoming year of goodness won’t measure up to the last.

We’ve yet to be disappointed.

Over the past twelve months, every time I’ve walked by and looked at the jar, my heart smiled. I remembered writing about the big things that happened, and the small things even Lew didn’t know about. I couldn’t wait to sit with him on New Year’s Eve, dump the jar’s contents onto the table, and root through them, reading aloud each wonderful memory.

Give it a Try

Try the Jar of Goodness in your home. You’ll be surprised what you’ll see at the end of the year. If you have children have them join in the fun. And if you live alone, it’s still fun to see how good the past few months were.

Don’t be Afraid.

Are you worried your life is filled with so little good that your jar would remain empty? At first, I was, too. Then I realized good happens in my life every day. In 2011, doctors told me I may die in ten days … and when I didn’t, that was the day I realized embracing goodness each day is a gift in itself.

In 2011, doctors told me I may die in ten days … and when I didn’t, that was the day I realized embracing goodness each day is a gift in itself.

When I open my eyes in the morning, I’ve been given a gift–life! What a beautiful gift. I can hold my hand to my chest and feel the thump-thump of my heart beating. Another gift. I haven’t done a thing to make that happen, yet it does. And you’re reading this blog–a HUGE gift to me. I appreciate each of you.

Reminders of good happenings are too few. They happen all around us and we don’t even know it. But watching a pile of slips of paper grow over the weeks has the power to bring a smile to your face. Test it! Start your own mason jar of goodness for 2023. Who knows what’s waiting for you?

Looking for a Do-Over in 2023?

Do you feel like you don’t matter? Are you happy … or are you doing what you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.



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