Knock, Knock

knock knockKnock, knock.

Who’s there?
The New Year, 2016, please welcome me in.

I don’t know … what do you have for me?
Isn’t that’s what we all want to know, what is waiting for us in 2016? Will we see wonders beyond our comprehension? Will we see more beauty than we ever imagined existed?
Or will dark storm clouds block out all sunshine? Will tragedy rise up and take our breath away?
Who can say. But I do know this to be sure—my God will be with me. When my heart is full of more happiness than I ever imagined, He will be there to celebrate with me.
Or when every turn I take brings pain and heartbreak, He will be there to comfort and carry me through.
Where there’s breath, there’s hope. Please join me in celebrating the beginning of a new year of possibilities. Who knows, we may be on the cusp of something fantastic. Celebrate! Remember, tomorrow is promised to no one. Let’s embrace today and the rest of the todays ahead with anticipation and wonder.
Join me in offering thanks to God, because he will be there, no matter what we find.
“Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (James 4:13-14 NIV)


    The Conversation

  1. We should all embrace each day for what it really is — a gift from God. Beautiful sentiments…happy new year!

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