Keeping Focused After Life Happens

through-eyes-of-hopeI just followed an interview with Lacey Buchanan discussing her upcoming book, Through the Eyes of Hope (available January 2017) and it left me speechless.
Lacey’s book offers the shocking reality of what can happen when life goes unplanned. Can anything be more shocking? Yet her words are touching. Her tenacity is unwavering. Her heart is focused on two things–her love for God and family.
What a lesson to learn. I think about my own life. While I dealt with a brain tumor that rocked my world, I, too, needed to focus on my love for God and my family. That’s what got me through. But was I tenacious? Were my words motivating and inspirational as hers? Was my focus on the love God and family enough?
Who can say? It probably could have been more of what I needed to be. But I can learn from Lacey to help me through my tomorrows. I think of friends who have lost jobs, marriages and even children. How can I help them to focus on God and family as Lacey showed me?
God’s placed a burden on my heart through 2 Corinthians 1:4 … who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.
Lacey comforted my heart today. I hope to be who God wants me to be by comforting others. Is that a goal of yours? How is God leading you?

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    The Conversation

  1. Thanks for sharing, Robin!

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