Jesus and the Beanstalk – A Lesson in Life

jesus-and-the-beanstalkLori Roeleveld has done it again with her book, Jesus and the Beanstalk: Overcoming Giants and Living a Fruitful Life. Once again she’s tapped into my person—my being—and wrote thoughts I only dared acknowledge to myself. Reading this book, it’s as if she’s given a voice to my fears and challenges, and allowed them to the surface where I can see them for what they are. Time after time I’d cover a portion of her book, only to stop reading and ponder not only her words but marvel how God has used this person to tap into different areas of my life and address them scripturally.
I particularly liked the section, The Christian You Don’t Know. Affirming and challenging at the same time, only in the way that Roeveleld can do. And her ability to wrap a point in humor is uncanny. Thou Shalt Pray Like Sheldon Cooper is just one example of many of how she offers wisdom with humor.
I can’t wait to read this book again.
Don’t be afraid to start Jesus and the Beanstalk with an open mind. You will not be disappointed.

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