It Is Still Finished

gavelThe gals from Christian Women Online asked me, along with other past guest writers, to submit thoughts for their Resurrection Sunday blog. I realize Easter has passed, but the message is still strong. Check it out.


    The Conversation

  1. Dan Massey says:

    And all of a sudden I felt like I was

  2. So, so good! I’m moved beyond what I can even express right now. Thank you!!

  3. Ken White says:

    What a coincidence.  I had a devotional published in Upper Room Magazine (Finished with Shame and Guilt, November 4, 2014) on the same theme. Feel free to check it out!

    • Thanks, Ken, for taking the time to respond. You’re right, shame and guilt were taken care of that day. Why, then, do we keep taking it back? I guess as much as we try we still feel the need to control … even to our detriment.

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