Guest Post – Where's God?

Lisha Berry TaylorLisha Berry Taylor is my guest blogger today. If you’ve dealt with a brain tumor you will appreciate what Lisha shares in her story. If you know someone who has a brain tumor, maybe her words will help put circumstances in order. God is the Great Physician and Provider. See how he manifests himself through Lisha’s ordeal.
I had been feeling strange for a while and honestly thought I was going crazy. I had just had a hysterectomy a few months earlier so I thought something was wrong with my hormones. At a regular doctor’s visit I mentioned I was not dealing well with stress and wondered about my hormones. He told me I was already on a high dosage. I told friends at church that I thought I was losing my mind. I was so emotional and anything could upset me. One time I cried all the way home from work because a customer had been mean to me and I did not understand.
My life was falling apart and I did not know why. The why became known on Memorial Day, 2008 when I had a grand mal seizure while asleep. After being rushed to the hospital and having a CT scan, we discovered I had a meningioma the size of a tennis ball in between my frontal lobes. It turns out I was losing my mind to a nasty tumor in my brain that had been growing there for years, if not decades.
So many things were explained as far as my personality. I had been forgetting things and I stopped being pleasant and became a bit snappy. I knew I was hard to live with but didn’t know why. I just wanted to throw my hands in the air.
Some people may wonder where God was. I was a Children’s Church teacher, a member of the choir, and deacon’s wife. Wouldn’t a life of serving God prevent this horrible thing from happening to me?
Where was God? I can say confidently that God was right there with me and my family.
My seizure occurred in my own bed—the safest place to have a seizure—while my husband lay by my side. My job involved working with sharp tools while standing on a concrete floor. It could have been devastating if I had been there. Or heaven forbid if I had been driving. Who knows the heartache that may have accompanied a seizure while on the road.
My daughter was out of college for the summer. She was the one who called 911 and made the calls to family and friends.
My husband had switched jobs, leaving us with a small insurance policy and high deductible until the regular work insurance took effect. My seizure happened two weeks after his full coverage insurance went in effect. If the seizure would have happened when we were minimally covered, we could have been financially ruined.
Where was God? He was with me!
My church family covered me with prayer. They took me to and from work or wherever I needed to go. Scripture says, “…He causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Matt. 5:45 (NIV). Nowhere in the Bible does it say Christians will have an easy life. A brain tumor is horrible but God gave me a wonderful family to take care of me and to watch out for me. I am truly blessed.
If Lisha’s story touched your heart, leave her a note below to let her know. You can reach her at her Facebook page.


    The Conversation

  1. clovr9 says:

    So true! Thank you for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful testimony. Thanks for sharing your story!

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