God’s Conversation with Satan About You

Have you ever matched your life to Job’s? The Bible tells us of his struggles and loss, only to be shown favor in the end.
But that’s not the complete story—it’s also a story of God’s power over Evil.
If you’ve been a follower of my blog for long, you know that when I write about a relationship with God, I make it personal. I mean no disrespect, but sometime the best way for me to do that is to see him in picture words. That’s why I like the story of Job.
Look it up for yourself, but for now, know that I see the story opening with God sitting behind a huge mahogany desk and Satan enters His office to visit. God lifts Job up to Satan as an example of a man of good character … “blameless and upright”. But Satan, the snake that he is, taunts God with, “Oh, yeah, well, if you hadn’t blessed him so much, he’d sing a different song.” That’s when it happens—that’s when God tells Satan what he can and cannot do to destroy Job’s faith.
Did you get that?
God told Satan, “You are not the boss over Job”. Nothing—nothing—breaks through God’s wall of protection.
Make this personal. Think about your past. Looking back over my life, I remember too many experiences that could have gone wrong. But only because of God’s protection I live to see a new day. Do you think God and Satan have had a conversation about you?
We all have stories of God’s protection. I’d love to hear some of yours.


    The Conversation

  1. Thanks, Tom. You’re so right. Why do we insist on taking back what we think we can do better than God? I’ll never understand it … and I’ll probably never stop doing it myself. (smirk)

  2. Whenever I think of Job, I think of that saying some people use: “God never gives us more than we can handle.” Um, yeah, not only does He give us more than we can handle, but as in Job’s case, He allows satan to do it sometimes too. It’s how He teaches us and disciplines us. The saying needs to be, “God never gives us more than HE can handle.”
    Heck, that’s His job. Turn it over to Him and let Him handle it. So much easier said than done…
    Thanks for sharing, Robin!

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