Does God Cry for Us?

Have you ever wondered … does God cry for us?

To help me understand what’s involved with having a personal relationship with God, I try to see Him as I see others with whom I have relationships. I mean no disrespect by this. I bring Him down to my level—figuratively, of course—so I can look into His eyes and try to understand who He is to me.

That’s how I started the morning of April 1, 2011. It was Friday and I thanked God for bringing me through another work week. Little did I know while I was thanking God, He was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees with his head in his hands. He knew when he got out of bed that day everything would start falling into motion. God chooses to stay on the edge of his bed—just a few moments more. He knew this day had to come. And He knew before I went to sleep that night I would hear the news that had the potential to rock me to the core of my foundation. He knew today would be the beginning of my need to revisit my personal hell and the demons He had banished from my life years earlier.

The Start of God’s Day

As He finally got out of bed and strolled to His kitchen, He knew this wasn’t how He planned to do things. This had never been how He planned it. Sin had gotten in the way all those years ago. His children were all paying the costs and He was cleaning up after it—still cleaning up.

As he poured Himself a cup of coffee and fixed His cereal, He felt the pain I would experience later on that day. With each spoonful of cereal, He pondered on what was to come. He stopped, put his spoon down, and rested His arm and forehead on the table.

I wonder if God cried for me that day.

These are some of the thoughts that careened through my mind in the early part of April 2011. I’ve written about that and many other thoughts I had during that time in God’s Best During Your Worst.

What about you? Do you think God cries when He knows you’re about to face a tragedy you have no way of facing on your own? When your marriage appears to be doomed to failure? How about when the police bring your teenager home in handcuffs? Or when a family member tells you of unthinkable abuse? The Bible gives us a verse–the shortest verse in all of the scriptures–that tells us so. There have been sermons written over this verse through the years, it’s that moving and provocative.

[box] Jesus wept. John 11:35[/box]

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