Depression and the Holidays

christmas starsHolidays. They’re supposed to be a time of celebration and gaiety. But if you’re in the clutches of depression, the Christmas season can seem like a platter of darkness served to you instead of turkey or ham.
If your life has been touched by the ramifications of a medical trial, depression can be magnified. I struggled with all that surrounds healing from a brain tumor. Maybe someone you love had a stroke and is learning to walk again. Or maybe you’ve lost someone–a spouse, friend or even child–to a medical issue. How can you celebrate when all you feel is anger, resentment or even worse–that void? You come across well-wishers with their cast-off platitudes:
“God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.”
“That which doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.”
“You’re better off than you think.”
Really? Give me a break!
These next few days may be strewn with land mines of depression. Walk through this season cautiously. With the proper planning and a support team around you, you can make it through.
Tell your closest friends you need their strength to get through the next few days. Have them check on you a bit more than usual.
Write words that have power on note cards and put the cards in your pocket. When you find yourself slipping into a funk, pull out the card and give yourself a lifeline.
Holidays come, but they also go. Healing will continue. Pain will lessen. Live in the moment as much as you can, because really … that’s all we ever have.


    The Conversation

  1. Gretiana says:

    They gave you just what they had, what they knew. Don’t blame them for that…you can’t give what you don’t have….another canned platitude perhaps.

    • Thanks, Gretiana, for leaving a comment. To me, any canned platitude that is supposed to lift my spirits is a waste of breath. I’d rather sit in silence if I know the person I’m with really cares. Give me transparency anytime.
      BTW, I visited your site and love it! You speak words of a true survivor. Blessings to you. I’ll follow your blog for sure!

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