Celebrate, Not Exasperate

Acceptance. It’s what we want, but do we offer it? Instead, we tend to exasperate those who see life differently than we do.
We’re all different. It may not seem like it, but none of us share the exact experiences that would make us the same. Some came from a comfortable home life and solid family of origin, while others struggled with empty bellies and absentee parents.
We may look the same, go to the same schools or even read the same books. But a time comes … something happens … then POW out of nowhere, differences appear.
Our feelings get hurt, or we hurt someone else’s feelings. It’s sad, really. Because we are not the same and inevitably, diversity in how we think or see the world appear.
The answer: Celebrate differences! Learn from one another. Because really, who else do we learn from than those who are different than us?

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