Faith Always Acts

It’s a challenge to always get things right, but through seeking God’s plans, faith always acts.

Do you believe God has a plan for you? Then act on that.

Are you afraid you’ll be laughed at? Well, maybe you will. But consider this: are they laughing at you because they think you’re out of your league, or could they be laughing to cover up their own insecurities?

Lives will change, but faith always acts first.



What say you?

What do you wonder about?  Are you happy … or are you doing what you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.

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