2016: A Year in Review

indeedThe year 2017 is in full swing. Have you reviewed the plans you had made for 2016? How did you do?
I didn’t meet all my goals. In fact, I only met a few.
I wanted to publish my book, Ten Days to Live, but it didn’t happen. Additionally, my speaker’s calendar didn’t fill as much as I had hoped.
But I’m excited because I’m seeing God at work. I see reminders of that every time I sit at my desk. I trust that God’s word is good.
Unanticipated opportunities came before me. Different people crossed my path during 2016 that I believe were divinely lead. For these reasons, I have hope and excitement as I enter 2017.
Are you focused on what you missed or on the serendipitous events that blessed your life last year? It’s a choice … and I choose blessings.
What say you?


    The Conversation

  1. Robin, thank you for your honest account here. Last year I wrote because God asked me to. However, I love to speak, specifically for Him. I will continue to write, and enter the open doors He is beginning to open for speaking. I am glad we are connected here on wordpress and other social media. Have a blessed day!

    • Thanks, Julie, for the response.
      It’s easy to look forward when making goals–we’re to do that. But I learn so much when I look back and see where I’ve been and how I got where I am today. It’s a real exercise in honesty.
      Keep speaking and writing. I’m certain our paths will cross again.
      Hugs, R

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