From July 2012

  • Panic Set In

    Panic set in this morning; when my alarm went off it was still dark outside. Summer is leaving! My first reaction was to try and make it stay. There were so many experiences I still wanted to have

  • The Chick-fil-A Controversy

    I’m a bit confused over the whole Chick-fil-A controversy. Dan Cathy, President of Chick-fil-A Inc., has always been open about his established set of beliefs and values. As a Believer in Christ,

  • … The Rest of the Story

    I posted not too long ago about some fears that I had regarding returning to my childhood hometown to catch up with friends and family I haven’t seen for many years. Would they welcome me with op

  • Questions on Looking Back …

    In a few days I’ll be heading back to the hometown of my youth for a few days of vacation. I’ll be seeing some friends that I haven’t seen for over 30 years. I’ll also be seeing members of