Who We Are

Life experiences form our impressions of the world around us. It’s difficult to see beyond what we know. These experiences, sometime when we don’t even know it, shape us into who we are.

Maybe we were raised in the country, maybe in the city. While country living may be foreign to city dwellers, subways and traffic’s honking horns may be everyday facts of life.

What about pets? When a person  grows up walking, feeding, and scooping after them, the concept of responsibility might be different than someone who only had plants.

Many people grew up in happy traditional families, while others encountered the challenges only found in a single-parent home.

Some had siblings, some grew up along.

Why is this important to acknowledge?

While these harmless differences can spur on fun conversations–cat people and dog people can lightheartedly debate which is better–they typically don’t divide friendships or family.

There is a basic level of respect surrounding differences. But recently, if we look, we’ll see people around us that focus on differences instead of similarities, and stress over the difference in opinions.

Here’s a short video that gives a taste of  how many differences there can be.

We are all different

Different is … Different

If we were all the same life would be boring. If we all have the same opinions, there’s nothing to challenge why we believe the way we do. Parents see this when raising small children. Parents give them directions and opinions to follow. As they grow, they take these opinions… pull them apart and study them closely … and see if they can truly believe and own them for their own. That’s the way it should be. Challenging their opinions is the only way they can fully understand them.

Over the next few weeks this country will experience more possible civil unrest than ever before. All because of political differences. If your neighbor has a different political sign in their yard as you, can you still respect them?

Of course you can.

Consider walking back

If you find yourself sensitive to the differences around you, consider walking back from where these differences are most previlent until November 5th. Often, social media is not our friend. If seeing opinions that you don’t like and that upset you, turn off Facebook and Twitter (X).It’s that simple. Your peace has unmeasurable value. And besides, people don’t change their opinions because of facts, the change them because of feelings.

What are more important, relationships or opinions?

Remember, unless you hear the words directly from the speaker’s mouth, everything you hear or read has been filtered by someone else’s opinion. Quotes are being mischaracterized. Videos are being edited. Manipulation is rampant.

We must remember who we are.

What are more important, relationships or opinions? We must remember who we are. Share on X

If the rhetoric from either side of political aisle is separating you from friends or family, reconsider your focus. If you need to challenge your own position and consider these words:

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 7:12

“That we take not other men’s opinions or manners for a rule of life, but that we wholly renouncing this world, set before us as our mark, the will of God”.
Romans 12:12

“Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the kind”.
1 Peter 2:17

As we all approach Election Day, let’s remember who we are and consider these points:

  • After Election Day, God will still be on the throne.
  • Nobody holds a political office that God doesn’t allow. (Romans 13:1)
  • If we focus on God’s plan for our lives, we will find peace.

What say you?

What do you wonder about?  Are you happy … or are you doing what you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.

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