Lineage List

Do your eyes glaze over when reading Scripture you come to a lineage list? You know … the begets?

Honestly, I get it. For the longest time I struggled to see the relevance. I mean really … this person had a father, then that person had a father, and so on. I understand the heavy-hitter characters and their families listed in Matthew 1. Abraham … Isaac … Jacob. I learned of their relationships with God and how, because of these relationships, impacted the world. From flannel board Bible stories to library research for term paper topics, these families came to life. Because these people were important; these people were real.

But the other begets?

Then I saw the lineage listed in Genesis 10. There, I met Kittim (alternately transliterated as Chittim or Cethim). The son of Javan, the grandson of Japheth, and Noah’s great-grandson.

Initially, I wondered how could I read this chapter and find value in a bunch of names that are too difficult to pronounce, let alone remember?

Where’s the value?

Showing my ignorance, I knew who Noah was, but never paid attention to his offspring. Then, two thoughts came to me.


If I believe the Bible is “God breathed”, and I do,  then I believe God inspired these names to be written down. Not only that, but I reasoned God saw value in each and every one of the men listed.

Huh? No details were given in Genesis 10 about some of these players, as no details were needed. Have you ever heard of Kitty? Me neither. The only thing I can tell you about these fellas is these men were valued by God and had their own purpose. They weren’t perfect. In fact, some of the names listed were the forefathers of some pretty violent tribes (Amorites and Canaanites). But they all were descendants of Noah, a righteous man and valued by God.


My second thought took me to David Green, my own great-grandfather. He was real, too. He lived, breathed, and loved life. Among his children was a son, Roy, who married and had five children. One of these children was my mother, Janet.

All real people with value and flaws. Just like the folks in Genesis 10.

Many of the names listed in Genesis 10 have faded into oblivion. Many people have never heard of them. But they held an important place in our history.

And God knew them.

“I [God] have engraved you on the palms of my hands ….” Isaiah 49:16

No matter who we are, God has a purpose for our lives. It might look like we’re insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but that’s just not true. We may not see it … we may be one in a long lineage lists–the begets … but God’s master plan would not be complete if we weren’t in it.

When you read Genesis 10, know without a doubt, that they were people and loved by God.

Even Kittim.

We may not see it … we may be one in a long line of begets … but God’s master plan would not be complete if we weren’t in it. Share on X

What say you?

What do you wonder about?  Are you happy with life choices … or are you involved in habits you never thought you’d do? Do you see consistencies in your actions … or are you all over the place? Drop me a line. I’d love to chat.

Struggling to find good in your life? Check out my award-winning book, God’s Best During Your Worst, or check out any of my other books on my Book page.

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