Happy Father's Day

J. G. Gilbert & Robin Gilbert Luftig at Lake Lavine, MI, Summer 1958

J. G. Gilbert & Robin Gilbert Luftig at Lake Lavine, MI, Summer 1958

To celebrate Father’s Day, I’m re-posting a blog I shared that exemplified my relationship with my father. I’d love to hear stories from you about the relationship you have (or had) with yours. I pray it was as loving as mine …


    The Conversation

  1. imustbelieve says:

    Daddy was a great whistler, and I turned out to be Whistler’s Daughter. He taught me to whistle when I was six years old. The song was Silent Night and I was helping him on a project in his workshop in our basement. I have whistled ever since. One of my favorite memories of my father takes me back to a Sunday afternoon when I was in high school. Daddy was stretched out on the bed reading the Sunday paper while whistling a hymn. I stretched out beside him on the bed and began whistling the harmony. Daddy put the paper down and we whistled several old hymns together.
    Daddy taught me, “If you can read, you can do anything.” But I also learned from Daddy simply by listening and observing his life. He was a man of few words, who honored his word. He was a man of the Word, and lived by it. I guess that was his best demonstration of “if you can read, you can do anything.”

  2. Donna Brown says:

    Don’t you just miss them? I love the re-re-gifting idea…. hummmm, I never gave that one a thought. Good writing my friend.
    One last question: Do you think Lew looks a little like your dad in this photo?

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