Revisiting a Quote

Oscar-Wilde (2)I recently posted a blog that used a quote from Oscar Wilde’s, every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. The blog had a good message, but the quote stayed with me long after I forgot the blog.
I looked into Wilde’s life a bit and understood how these words could have come from the depths of his being. Both parents were successful and he, too, was a success. But the examples his parents offered him were filled with selfishness and narcissism. Reality had little importance; perception counted more than anything. Under their direction, he learned how to deal with living a double life. He was on top of the world until he went to court to save his reputation. He lost soundly and his fall was precipitous, instantaneous, and very frightening.
Wilde was heralded as a brilliant man because of his writing ability. But in truth, his life was tortured. Not because of his homosexuality—although his life style landed him in prison—but because he sought after beauty first and then morality … if seeking it suited him at the time.
I sound like I’m coming down on Wilde, but I’m not. In truth, I’m only using his life for an example. Living for perception or living for truth haunts us all. I remember clearly when I stood at the crossroad of Wilde’s Sinner or Saint. I chose a Sinner’s life: seeking beautiful experiences and possessions. It didn’t take long, however, until I realized my life was lacking depth, and something. It was shallow and short-sighted. I tried to fix it with more experiences and controlling the world around me. Nothing fixed what was wrong and my life was circling the drain.
Then God appeared.
He loved me completely. He loved me because he created me. He didn’t judge me because of my brokenness. Instead, he tended to my wounds. And he didn’t let me skate regarding my past choices. Because he loved me, I still needed to deal with the consequences of my bad choices, but he was with me every step of the way.
I appreciate his love more as each day goes by. I remember my sinner days and am forever amazed how God still loves me. Every sinner has a future and every saint has a past fits us all. Don’t allow your sinner days to own you. God’s waiting for you, too.
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39


    The Conversation

  1. Ha! I see that I already commented back when. I thought the post had stuck in my mind but I didn’t comment.. Came back to rectify. Hilarious. 🙂

  2. Great piece Robin. I loved learning more about Wilde and you make such great points.hope you’re well these days. Thank you so much for being my friend.

  3. I like your thoughts on perception. I find it amazing that Christians seem to steer clear of the topic, but it’s all around us. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

  4. Perception is a big thing. Whether it’s your perception of others or their perception of you. Someone once told me, “Someone’s perception IS their reality.” It is ultimately up to us to determine how we present the gospel to those around us. We know God’s perception of us is nothing short of amazing grace and unending love. Will we allow that to overflow? We MUST move forward in confidence and boldness knowing He is with us. God bless!!

  5. Interesting perspective and great post, friend. Sending love.

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