Come Celebrate with Me

Come celebrate with me. I have news … some great news … Some colossal news! You can fine God’s Best During Your Worst and Journal with Kaleidoscope Publishing.

What’s Kaleidoscope Publishing About?

Kaleidoscope Publishing, spearheaded by Shellie Arnold, specializes in unique Christian products infused with God’s truth. Their goal:

  • come alongside select authors whose work, vision, and message align with theirs in a way that is mutually beneficial
  • share God’s truth through creative media, so others can find the freedom in Christ they need.

Meet Shellie

In 2022, God led Shellie to found Kaleidoscope Publishing, a small, hybrid publisher. As editor in chief, she combines her skillset as an author of fiction and nonfiction, with her critique and editing experience. This unique blend allows Shellie to see potential and possibilities even the author might miss. Her goal is to help authors capitalize on their strengths while refining their manuscripts. Her intent is to enable effective ministry through unique, Bible-based products. Her method is to touch every word in a manuscript. This makes Shellie’s approach especially appealing to authors who have a message, but don’t have the time or inclination to spend years studying craft.

What to Expect?

While God’s Best can still be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kindle, I am psyched to announce it will also be available to local and independent bookstores via wholesale purchasing.

The Journey

Every book has a journey, and God’s Best is no different.

In 2011, life was busy and full of promise when I heard God ask, “Do you trust Me?” Weeks later with no provocation or warning, I suffered a seizure that left me paralyzed on my right side and unable to speak. After hours of tests at the hospital, a doctor came to her and said, “You have a brain tumor and should ‘get my affairs in order’ within the next ten days. If you have anywhere you need to go … anyone you need to see … anything you need to do … you have ten days to do it.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Luftig, but you have a tumor on your brain about the size of my fist. Do you want a priest, or could I call the hospital chaplain for you?” Share on X

Read about my ten-day journey that took me through the darkest valley of my life. I share the shock of the present, the fear of losing my future, and a time of reflection over my tempestuous past that I had allowed to define me for too many years. And witness how God continued to stay with me through the many hours of surgery as well as the weeks of physical, speech, and occupational therapy.

This is a story of redemption and triumph over brokenness. It’s a story about facing fears beyond imagination. I discover that there is no place so far from God that he cannot reach through and redeem a willing heart.

Robin’s story is not easy here. It’s brutally honest and transparent about the reality of pain and brokenness. But as you take this journey with her one thing is unmistakable … the love, mercy and companionship of Christ.”
Sheila Walsh, Inspirational Speaker

Why I’m celebrating

Not everyone deals with a brain tumor, but we all have dealt with … are steeped in trauma now … or trust that trauma is waiting for you around. When Shellie read God’s Best, she saw the need for this Christian Living book. She and I are excited about this new partnership. Come celebrate with us!

If you want to contact Shellie, email her at Or you can reach me at I’d love to hear from you.


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