
  • Word For the Year

    As we say goodbye to 2020, let’s take a moment or two to look forward to 2021. One of the ways I wrap my head around a new year is to establish a Word For the Year. But it’s a process.

  • Start the New Year with a Fast

    Every January I start the new year with a fast. Not a don’t-drink-my-favorite-Starbucks-coffee-fast, but a fast that limits the food I take in for a specific period of time. Besides, after al

  • What Do You See Looking Back?

    As I prepared a post for the end of 2020, I was challenged on what to write. What does one say looking back? Pondering that thought, I took a moment to see what my very first blog post was. It was

  • Plans Changed in 2020

    This weekend I had planned on being with family members to celebrate the holiday … but plans changed in 2020. We were going to eat too much food and watch kids play with too many toys. But a

  • Could This Be the Messiah?

    … Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” John 4:28-29 NIV I recen