From October 2017

  • Just Drop the Pen

    Do you have a critical spirit? Would your friends agree with you? Check out Brandon Adam’s post. I hope it leaves you questioning the use of your “filters”.

  • Bruce Brady: Writing Lessons from Cancer

    For any of you who knew Bruce Brady, there’s a cloud of sadness over those dealing with his death. His encouragement was without end. And his wisdom and insight were always delivered with

  • My Scar Stories

    Thanks, Mitch. We all find our own reminders that God is all around. And truly, nothing else matters.

  • Sinners and Saints—Revisiting a Quote

    Years ago I used a quote from Oscar Wilde’s, every sinner has a future and every saint has a past. While I’ve long ago forgotten the blog post, the quote stayed with me. I remember how my i

  • Watch for Hope Prevails Bible Study!

    Sometimes we struggle to get through the day. And even as Christians, we wonder if anyone understands. Rest assured, someone does. Michelle Bengston, author of Hope Prevails carries many titles.