2017 in Review, if You Dare

After Christmas, I always take the last few days of the year for personal review. What could I have done better? What opportunities did I miss? Are there amends I need to make? Ugh! Self-examination can be exhausting.
This is not an hour-long process. The first layer of discovery hits the usual culprits. I could have exercised more, eaten less, or offered more kind words to the down-trodden. Easy ones to see. But when I dig deeper I often find more than I bargained for.  I see the real me.
Am I seeking justification for any bitterness I hold in my heart?
The challenge is for you too. To help you get started … prime the forgiveness pump … check out the following video.

Here’s your challenge. Compare your hurts to this woman’s pain.  Compare holding on to any bitterness that you think you are justified to keep.
I realize it’s impossible to measure pain. It is what you feel. But can you honestly say you can’t offer forgiveness because someone hurt you too deeply? As Eva says, forgiveness is a power you own. It’s up to you to exercise it.
I’m going to be busy over the next few days reflecting on past choices. I challenge you to do the same. Let’s you and I start 2018 with a clean slate.
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3:13 NIV


    The Conversation

  1. DaLee Kicker says:

    I love the clean slate of a new year, the time to reflect and plan for a better year. Bitterness can destroy our souls if we are not mindful. Thank you for the reminder.

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