From November 2014

  • Practicing Gratitude During the Thanksgiving Season

    You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.   Khalil Gibran, “The Prophet” Since my brain tu

  • Why Wasn't It Me?

    I find myself drawn to others who I share a common bond with. Mommihood is an easy bond. Or standing shoulder-to-shoulder with anyone who has pulled themselves through dark times to see a brighter

  • He sees you, he loves you, he's just like you

    Many of you who know me know of the trauma I went through in April, 2011. For those of you who don’t know, that’s when they found this … Over the years since then, I have been ble

  • The Next Chapter

    It’s saddened my heart to read and hear these past months of the choices and consequences of Mark Driscoll. It also confused me, because I thought I had heard the voice of a man who loved Jes